Episode 38 – Rise of Wieners and Oreos

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 38 - Rise of Wieners and Oreos

No one’s ever really gone.

Star Wars heavy episode this time, as the Episode IX trailer dropped the day that we recorded this. Most of the other stuff we go into is movie or Disney related too, so a very thematic episode I guess?

Round 2 of 10 of Star Wars Trivia happened. John got some softballs obviously. Current scoreboard is below:

John 8
Jake 4
Westbrook 3

Preview pic: The helmet is back, baby!

Some episode highlights include:

  • Toad Fetish
  • The Rise of Skywalker
  • Joker
  • Disney+
  • Star Wars Trivia II: Round 2/10

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