Friday the 13th… the perfect day for an impromptu mini-AWRI to bust out.
Seriously. The whole first segment is all about the Friday the 13th franchise, and leads into some more horror. Some of our best bits are just totally unplanned. Then Star Wars, Marvel, Video Games… you’ve been with us long enough, you get the gist.
You like free games! I’ve got a copy of Hotline Miami for you hot off of… the notepad on my desktop! If you paid attention to the episode, the three parts of the code are as follows: [CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VINE]-QW30A-[LISTEN TO THE EPISODE FOR THE THIRD PART]
Preview pic is from the “greatest” Friday the 13th Movie of them all:
And as always, check out the bitblastpodcast. I lied… I do remember their name and they might have something soon. Maybe.
Some episode highlights include:
- Foaming Horse Piss
- Mini-AWRI – Friday the 13th
- More Horror
- John doesn’t know what Ecto Cooler is
- Women aren’t funny
- Jake needs a new computer
- Gaming rights
- Star Wars
- Age of Ultron
- Unite the Seven
- More MCU
- Everyone’s a Hulk
- Non MCU Marvel
- Adi Shankar’s Bootleg Series
- Cable Woes
- All about the streaming
- Google Plus love
- Barbaric Sports
Click here for all of the places you can find us!
Title song: Samiyam – Crystal Lake