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Number six… anything special about that number? No? Ah well. This will be the last in the Secret Origins series. Wish we could have held on to these longer, but what are you going to do? Blame John? Nah, that would be too easy, and only mostly true, I’m sure. Still quality stuff though!
And when you’re done reliving our past, get back to .bitblast:thepodcast! Because thievery is the highest form of flattery.
Episode highlights include:
- We like podcasting
- More farting
- Fast food prices
- The Tacocalypse
- The rube story
- Doppelgangers and Doppelbangers
- Son of Ernest
- Blu-ray snobs
- Vampire Money
- A bit of Twilight chat
- Two busses
- Traffic
Click here for all of the places you can find us!
Title song: My Chemical Romance – Vampire Money