Five. Somewhat of a milestone episode. You would think with a milestone such as this, we’d have a more fleshed out site, or Facebook and Twitter accounts. Meh. Maybe before the next episode, which I’m hoping is about conventions. You know… the nerdy kind.
I’m glad it’s new content. However, it’s on the athletic side. And not that I really mind it, whether John deserved to talk about sports or not, I’ll let it slide this time. It’s probably our most controversial episode to date, if you can call it that. I mean, we talk about racist slurs, drugs, and Lena Dunham; so this is not for the faint of heart.
Also, I apologize if the mic sounds like it’s beating against something every now and again. I’m certainly amateur at this editing thing, but John has some serious, sittin’ still issues. I’ll teach him how to podcast properly someday…
Episode highlights include:
- John screws up the best opportunity I’ve given him
- Our Gang
- Sports
- Racism
- Is John a racist?
- More sports
- Steroids and more drugs
- Tax schemes
- Lena Dunham disses Tampa
- Tampa smells nicer than New York
- Even more sports
- Elementary school news
- #kibaneedstogo
- We rip off .bitblast:thepodcast… poorly
- Tag Team Champions!
Click here for all of the places you can find us!
Title song: CKY – Frenetic Amnesic
Another good show gentleman and I use that term gentleman very loosely lol. Also, I’m ready for my close up Mr. Robinson.