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One batch, two batch, penny and dime.
Lot of comic book multimedia has come out in the past two weeks, and we talk about it as only we can. They don’t call us the Masters of Nothing for… well nothing. Also, video games! … and Jon Bernthal is the best Punisher… and Batman vs. Superman was a good time…
And here’s a link to that Wrestlemania party that you can challenge me at!
Preview pic is sad Affleck Daredevil. One Batch, Two Batch…
Some episode highlights include:
- Civil War 2
- Captain America 2
- Batman vs. Superman
- Daredevil Season 2
- Con Guests and Autograph Prices
- Battlefront’s Outer Rim
- Pokkén Tournament
- Far Cry Primal
- Fallout 4 Automatron
- One Piece and the Year of Sanji
- Jared’s Job Interview