Episode 15 – Super Saiyan Semantics

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 15 - Super Saiyan Semantics

I stick by my decisions.
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Episode 7 – Magical Gay Cake

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 7 - Magical Gay Cake

…or “Hockey Lobster”
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Episode 6 – Penny and Dime

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 6 - Penny and Dime

One batch, two batch, penny and dime.
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Episode 12 – A Dinosaur Story

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 12 - A Dinosaur Story

We’re back! For good this time? Ask me in two weeks.
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Episode 10 – Give Me That Fish!

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 10 - Give Me That Fish!

We made it… double digits!  For this milestone episode we invited a couple of questionable characters over for a 2+ hour chat over the things that we love.  Special guests, Tim Westbrook and Tim Carr, or as we like to call them, The Brothers Tim.

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