Welcome to a brand new podcast, presented by The Masters of Nothing!
Join myself and Westbrook from The Masters of Nothing as we riff through all of the Dragon Ball films and specials! The idea for this came to me after we discussed the Z films (Episode 15 of The Masters of Nothing (Super Saiyan Semantics). The idea is that you, the audience, will be able to listen to these as kind of commentary tracks for all of these. For us, these will be a new way to enjoy (or in some ways re-discover) one of our favorite series. It’s suggested that you watch the films with the episode for the full experience.
A lot of these we haven’t seen in a long time, and some of these we haven’t seen at all (as of this writing)! So reserve your judgment on our “expert” opinions. Oh, and we’re not just doing the Z films. We’re doing EVERYTHING that’s a film or a special… yes even Evolution. We’ll even have some surprises that you may have never heard of along the way. Enjoy, and on the the first movie… Curse of the Blood Rubies!