This episode brought to you by Mountain Dew Solar Flare and Doritos Loaded. Available exclusively at 7-11!
So yeah, I took the plunge and got the Blue Yeti mic. From an editing standpoint, I love it! That thing picks up everything, too! Special guest cameo from John’s wife, Heather while she washes dishes. Now if I could only stop clearing my throat so much…
And check out these sweet sketch covers I got at Tampa Bay Comic Con from my good friend, Heroes of Cosplay’s own Zippertan! Check out her Facebook and give her a Like!
If you like Doritos and Mountain Dew like John and myself, don’t forget to listen to the bitblastpodcast!
Obsessed with Star Wars Standings as of this week… We have a winner! You’ll have to listen to find out:
- J*** – ??
- J*** – ??
Some episode highlights include:
- New Toy
- Americans
- Plant the Seed
- Orient Road
- Learning to Curse
- Tampa Bay Comic Con
- Sweded Films
- Diarrhea is the best excuse
- College Memories
- Ghostbusters Reboot
- Expendables
- Propeller Anime
- Deadpool Test Footage
- Sports…
- AFO and Warped
- Monty Python
- Ray Jay Johnson
- Obsessed with Star Wars
Click here for all of the places you can find us!
Title song: Jim Cummings – Angry Woman (from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy episode “Fear and Loathing in Endsville”)