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Our old pal Tim Westbrook joins us this week, as we have an assembly of our own.
We start of with the Jake and John Sports Minute… which will probably only last until the Lightning win the Stanley Cup. Anyway… the meat and potatoes this week will be talking about Avengers: Age of Ultron. What we liked, what we didn’t like, where we think the franchise is going, etc. Throw in some video games and anime talk, and you have an episode!
Preview pic is… well obvious. I wanted to make sure The Vision was a part of it:
And as always, check out the bitblastpodcast and get F.A.T.
Some episode highlights include:
- Supergirl
- Jake and John Sports Minute
- Hockey > Football
- Avengers: Age of Ultron
- Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
- Nintendo World Championship
- Gaming Kickstarters
- Sexy Stories
- Anime
Click here for all of the places you can find us!
Title song: Rachel Platten – Fight Song