It’s back for third time. The episode possibly no one was anticipating!
It’s time once again for our annual Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular! It’s really whittled down to a segment again this time, as I (sadly) have seen very few movies this year and John can barely remember what he saw. Then as usual we take a look at what else is coming out this year that looks interesting. Just listen… there’s plenty of other good content too!
If you’re interested in hearing our other 2 Spectaculars from years past, I’ve got links:
- Jake and John Pod – Episode 3 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular
- Jake and John Pod – Episode 14 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular 2
Preview pic, as promised is the often forgotten Christmas Vacation 2:
And as always, check out the bitblastpodcast. They’re on a roll now that I’m still way behind on!
Some episode highlights include:
- Like a Radio Host
- Funny
- Amy Schumer
- Comedians
- Cell Phone Emergencies
- Iwata
- Cargo Pants
- Rare Replay
- Comic Con
- Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular
Click here for all of the places you can find us!
Title song: Motion City Soundtrack – Invisible Monsters