More shallowness and pedantry after silence for over a year.
2020 is the year without a lot of things. Well, you’re at least getting one episode of The Masters of Nothing this year. Now if that makes things better or worse… results may vary.
Because I didn’t want to miss a year, here it is. Our annual tradition! The Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular! Rules (that are barely followed and more so than usual…) are that we go over what we’ve seen in theaters and then we go over what we’re looking forward to. It’s also that time of year I get to torture my co-hosts with this as they apparently don’t see as many movies as they used to, whilst talking about movies all the time.
Plenty of other things also haphazardly discussed!
If you’re interested in hearing our other 7 Spectaculars from years past, I’ve got links:
- Jake and John Pod – Episode 3 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular
- Jake and John Pod – Episode 14 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular 2
- Jake and John Pod – Episode 39 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular 3
- The Masters of Nothing – Episode 10 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular IV
- The Masters of Nothing – Episode 24 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular V
- The Masters of Nothing – Episode 33 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular VI
- The Masters of Nothing – Episode 41 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular VII
Preview pic: The only summer movie, New Mutants.
Some episode highlights include:
- Dr. Doom’s Movie Career
- Cross-generational Yelling at Video Games
- Halo 2 Woes
- Animal Crossing
- Final Fantasy
- Steak-n-Shake
- Umbrella Academy
- Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular (sorta)
- DC Fandome