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This episode brought to you by Mountain Dew Solar Flare and Doritos Loaded. Available exclusively at 7-11!
This episode brought to you by Mountain Dew Solar Flare and Doritos Loaded. Available exclusively at 7-11!
It’s two weeks later and another episode. Consistency!
I really wanted to have this up on Friday the 13th, and not just because it’s Episode 13. Listen right at the beginning and you’ll see that we had no idea when the next Friday the 13th was. Also as I was setting this up I realized what our Obsessed with Star Wars scores were. See below!
It’s time for another current…ish episode of Jake and John Pod! John went to his first “real” convention and we dance around it while sprinkling in video game ramblings. Also movies. In other words, it’s business as usual. Continue reading