If you couldn’t tell from the last few episodes, we kind of like Assassin’s Creed. Not exclusively this week, but you’ll get some Unity impressions.
If you couldn’t tell from the last few episodes, we kind of like Assassin’s Creed. Not exclusively this week, but you’ll get some Unity impressions.
We made it… double digits! For this milestone episode we invited a couple of questionable characters over for a 2+ hour chat over the things that we love. Special guests, Tim Westbrook and Tim Carr, or as we like to call them, The Brothers Tim.
Do you hear something? It’s the sound of two rambling jackasses! Welcome to the first official episode of Jake and John Pod! I say official as we actually have a few recorded, but I wanted to at least start off with an episode that was recorded within the same week that it was released, since we often talk about topical things. We mostly talk about the Xbox One this time, as it was relevant to our interests. Listening back on it, I thought it involved more complaining about complainers… but it really wasn’t that bad.