It’s time for another current…ish episode of Jake and John Pod! John went to his first “real” convention and we dance around it while sprinkling in video game ramblings. Also movies. In other words, it’s business as usual. Continue reading
It’s time for another current…ish episode of Jake and John Pod! John went to his first “real” convention and we dance around it while sprinkling in video game ramblings. Also movies. In other words, it’s business as usual. Continue reading
AWRI stands for “As We Remember It”. I like to pronounce it like the word awry, just because we the way we remember things can be a little chaotic. We jump around, we don’t fact check, we forget stuff, and John is wrong about things. We decided to go with Gears of War as our first topic gone AWRI.
Number six… anything special about that number? No? Ah well. This will be the last in the Secret Origins series. Wish we could have held on to these longer, but what are you going to do? Blame John? Nah, that would be too easy, and only mostly true, I’m sure. Still quality stuff though! Continue reading
Five. Somewhat of a milestone episode. You would think with a milestone such as this, we’d have a more fleshed out site, or Facebook and Twitter accounts. Meh. Maybe before the next episode, which I’m hoping is about conventions. You know… the nerdy kind.
So we’ve made it to Episode 4. This could have been Episode 1, or 2, or who knows. Once again, if you haven’t heard it, it’s new to you! We recorded this back in March when I made my in ring debut with Bad Influence. If you missed the Weekly Jump segment last time, you’re in luck! This one’s super manga-heavy, with of course tangents sprinkled in, since it is a podcast, after all. Continue reading
This week I present to you our Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular. We pod about the movies we’ve seen in theaters this year, and what we’re looking forward to the rest of the year. Also, many tangents are made because what’s a great podcast without going off topic! Continue reading
Episode 2… sortof. If you haven’t heard it, it’s new to you! And there’s at least ten minutes of new material at the beginning mostly consisting of some friendly ass kissing, including the mention of our first affiliate .bitblastnetwork which includes the weekly .bitblast:thepodcast.
Do you hear something? It’s the sound of two rambling jackasses! Welcome to the first official episode of Jake and John Pod! I say official as we actually have a few recorded, but I wanted to at least start off with an episode that was recorded within the same week that it was released, since we often talk about topical things. We mostly talk about the Xbox One this time, as it was relevant to our interests. Listening back on it, I thought it involved more complaining about complainers… but it really wasn’t that bad.