Episode 30 – Too Pretty for James Cameron

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 30 - Too Pretty for James Cameron

No, we’re not talking about us. Although the title does probably apply.

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Episode 27 – Luddite

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 27 - Luddite

A person opposed to increased industrialization or new technology.
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Episode 12 – Gentleman Dick

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 12 - Gentleman Dick

A master, a messiah, and a miscreant watch a movie…
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Episode 7 – Magical Gay Cake

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 7 - Magical Gay Cake

…or “Hockey Lobster”
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Episode 6 – Penny and Dime

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 6 - Penny and Dime

One batch, two batch, penny and dime.
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Episode 4 – Old White Guys

The Masters of Nothing
The Masters of Nothing
Episode 4 - Old White Guys

We’re back with the same old song and dance, but under a new umbrella.
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Episode 43 – Insert Something Witty Here

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 43 - Insert Something Witty Here

I got yer podcast right here, if ya know what I’m sayin’!

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