Episode 43 – Insert Something Witty Here

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 43 - Insert Something Witty Here

I got yer podcast right here, if ya know what I’m sayin’!

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Episode 42 – Civic Duty

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 42 - Civic Duty

John is back in the saddle for a slightly more timely episode.

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Episode 39 – Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular 3

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 39 - Summer Movie Blockbuster Spectacular 3

It’s back for third time. The episode possibly no one was anticipating!

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Episode 38 – The Better Part of a Decade

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 38 - The Better Part of a Decade

Without further delay, I present to you an episode that has been in the making for the better part of a decade… sortof.

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Episode 36 – Avengers… Assemble!

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 36 - Avengers... Assemble!

Our old pal Tim Westbrook joins us this week, as we have an assembly of our own.

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Episode 35 – In Yzerman We Trust

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 35 - In Yzerman We Trust

Lace up your skates it’s time to talk aboot hockey… and pro wrestling… and MMA… and everything else.

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Episode 33 – Chipotlaway

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 33 - Chipotlaway

If you’re like other Americans, you love to eat Chipotle but hate all those terrible blood stains in your underwear…

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Episode 32 – Jake and John Take Manhattan

Jake and John Pod
Jake and John Pod
Episode 32 - Jake and John Take Manhattan

Friday the 13th… the perfect day for an impromptu mini-AWRI to bust out.

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